Shipping & Delivery

We are committed to delivering exceptional value and service to our customers. That’s why we offer reliable shipping options from multiple locations, including our warehouses in China (via ePacket or EMS), Australia (via Australia Post), and the United States (via USPS).

Global Shipping to Over 200 Countries

We are proud to provide international shipping to more than 200 countries worldwide. However, certain locations are outside our shipping range. If your location falls into this category, we will reach out to you directly to make alternative arrangements or issue a refund if necessary.

Customs and Duties

Please be aware that customs policies vary by country, and any customs fees or import duties that may be incurred after your order has shipped are the responsibility of the buyer. By placing an order with us, you consent to the possibility that one or more of your packages may incur customs fees upon arrival in your country.

Tracking Your Order

Upon shipping your order, we will send you an email with a tracking number for your convenience. Please note that in some cases, tracking information may not be available due to certain shipping methods. Additionally, for logistical reasons, items from the same order may be shipped in separate packages, even if combined shipping was selected.

Customer Support

If you have any questions or require further assistance regarding your order, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is always ready to assist you and ensure your experience with us is smooth and satisfactory.

Estimated Shipping Times

Shipping times vary depending on the destination, and we aim to deliver your order as quickly as possible. Below are our estimated delivery times by location:

Location*Estimated Shipping Time
United States10-20 Business days
Canada, Europe10-20 Business days
Australia, New Zealand10-30 Business days
Central & South America15-30 Business days
Asia10-20 Business days
Africa15-45 Business days
*Estimated shipping time.

Maximum Delivery Time

We strive to ensure your order reaches you within the maximum delivery time of 45 business days. In rare cases, delays may occur due to unforeseen circumstances, such as customs processing or local delivery issues.

Processing Time

Please note that our estimated shipping times do not include the 2-5 business day processing period required to prepare your order for shipment.

We appreciate your understanding and patience. If you have any questions about your shipment, please feel free to contact our customer support team for further assistance.

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